Your optimization goal reflects. A the key metrics you want your campaign. A to achieve. You can optimize your ad group for. A conversions, clicks, or impressions, and your bids will be optimiz bas on your chosen goal.
If you choose Conversion as your goal
Your ad will be shown to people who are most likely. A to convert to your product or service. To track all actions that count as a conversion (such as app downloads or form submissions), create conversion events by clicking. A Library and selecting Conversions.
Tik tok ads advertising
Here you decide whether you want to set up. A conversion tracking for app installs or certain landing page elements with a pixel.
To create an app install conversion, enter a conversion event name, provide a link to your app on Google Play or the App Store, and select a tracking partner to start measuring conversions from your ad.
Conversion goals are pric using o
CPC (optimiz cost per click) bidding, which ensures that your ads are shown to users who are most likely to take the actions you want them new zealand email list to take. With oCPC, you bid on your expect individual cost per conversion, then pay CPC (cost per click). TikTok Ads automatically adjusts your bids bas on your bid settings, bringing your campaign cost closer to your target price.
If you select Clicks as the primary
Objective for your ad group, you’ll pay on a CPC basis you can also establish schules and your ad will be optimiz to get you as many clicks as possible.
Finally, if you set Impression as your objective, your ad will be bill on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis, meaning the price adb directory per thousand impressions.
TikTok offers an option call Smart Optimization, and when enabl, your bids will be continually adjust and optimiz to increase conversions. If you choose Click or View as your goal, it’s best to turn off Smart Optimization.