he sitemap helps the to understand the structure of your site and to identify the most important subpages. Sites with a large number of URLs can also create multiple sitemaps. It is also advisable to create your own video or image sitemaps if you use a lot of these files on your website. After creating the sitemap, submit it to the Google Search Console. Your URLs will then be submitted to the Google index. This is especially important if your site is still very new and has few links.
Tips for Sitemap Creation
Optimizing texts is more important today and at malaysia mobile phone number data the same time more complex than ever before. Content is the icing on the cake of on-page optimization. Texts help determine whether your visitors stay or leave your website immediately. Today, the aforementioned coverage of topics and the text structure used play an important role in optimizing content. The content satisfies the user’s interest, while the structure facilitates the flow of reading.
- should provide relevant and correct answers to possible questions from users,
- should contain the most important main keywords and
- should contain important key terms that describe the topic
Providing structure – 2 aspects that are useful for the reader and the crawle
The so-called WDF*IDF or term frequency tools are get less angry, from time to time helpful in creating optimized texts. These are programs that determine the weighting of individual terms within a text in comparison to other texts. A curve is derived from this with the maximum and minimum use of terms from documents in the top 10 in the Google SERPs. Tools such as
Content – why keywords play a role in images and files
File names for images and media also play an important role bulk lead in content optimization. The same applies to alt texts and image titles. With optimized images, you not only ensure that your website has a well-rounded overall theme, but you also have the chance to achieve good rankings in image searches.