Amanda Bochenek Financial Analyst

contact name: Amanda Bochenek
contact job function details: financial
contact job function: finance

contact job title: Financial Analyst

contact job seniority: entry

contact person city: Chicago

contact person state: Illinois

contact person country: United States

contact person zip code: 60603

business name:

business domain: Exelon Corporation

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

kiribati email list

business angellist:

business found year:

business city: 2000

business zip code: Chicago

business state: 60603

business country: Illinois

business language: 3502

business employee: United States

current and future panorama of ecommerce in latam

business category: English

business specialty: utilities

business technology: the exelon family of companies strives for the highest standards of power generation, competitive energy sales & energy delivery we are committed to providing superior value for our customers, employees, investors & the communities we serve, utilities

business description: office_365,hubspot,react_js_library,google_analytics,facebook_widget,microsoft-iis,mobile_friendly,bootstrap_framework,google_tag_manager,google_play,itunes,doubleclick_floodlight,facebook_login,google_font_api,asp_net,google_maps


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