Could it be that these are companies that

Does Personal Branding Have a Future in Companies? Should companies enhance the Personal Brand of their employees? How to create a Personal Brand Strategy in Companies? When you ask these questions, the answers are almost always the same. People defending that yes, but that companies are not prepared or do not want to have workers with a personal brand. Could it be that it is the companies that don’t want it or is it ourselves that pass on from it? I have my doubts. In this post I want to talk about this topic and about companies that enhance the personal brand of their employees and the benefits they achieve. Maybe it makes us think…

Last Monday we

Published a new video on Street Personal Branding about. Whether companies should enhance the personal brand of their employees. Where we shared our company data opinions and asked the audience what they thought about this topic. The responses have been almost all in the same direction, that companies should bet on giving value to the personal brand of their employees, but that very few or none were willing to do so. And that has made me reflect on this issue to see if this is really the case or if it is us by nature that we have already backed off with this issue of personal branding, since we know that it is a slow process and it does not give us results as fast as we would like.

Could it be found this

Global Workplace Trends Report , prepared by the Sodexo Institute for. Quality of Life, which tells us that incorporating employees’ personal. Brands is B2B Fax Lead one of the practices that distinguish the most advanced companies. in HR management. If this is true, I highly doubt that other companies. Do not want to enhance the Personal Branding of their workers or do not want to hire professionals with a well-positioned personal brand. When I go to teach classes about this, Therefore, I see people who literally ignore. The topic, as if what I was saying didn’t interest them at all. Many do not see the importance and power that a personal brand can have in their professional future. 

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