What is the importance of marketing for business

However, Marketing is, basically, a set of actions carried out to market and promote products or services. If you have any type of relationship with commerce or entrepreneurship , you must have already heard that word.  However, But do you know what marketing is ? Regardless of what your answer is, this post will be very useful to you because we are not only going to address the concept of marketing, but we will also explain its relationship with marketing and advertising. However, some strategies and much more. Keep reading until the end!

What is marketing

According to the Dictionary of the Spanish Language. Therefore, marketing in commerce is a “set of operations executive data through which a merchandise must pass from the producer to the consumer.” And, more specifically, it also refers to its marketing. So, in principle, we can say that marketing has to do with the actions carried out in the process of selling products and services to reach customers. However, it is an older practice than you think and went through different phases until reaching the present day. Therefore, At the beginning, in the 19th century, the focus was on production because there was a great demand for products to satisfy. Then, in the 20th century, other factors began to enter, such as competition and sales, which ended up taking center stage.

What is the importance of marketing for business

Now that you know what marketing is, we are going to explain why it is important for your business. The first reason is that it. In conclusion, gives you the B2B Fax Lead possibility of making your product or service known through various dissemination strategies. Secondly, it allows you to understand your target audience and thus create a product that solves their needs and pains. In addition, you can stand out in the market, increase your sales. In conclusion, create a close relationship with your potential and current clients and build authority , just to name the main advantages.

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