Laws of thermodynamics in Enem how it is charged + questions to practice

The National High School Examination (Enem) is marked by two general and distinct knowledge tests between dates. On the second day, the Natural Sciences and Technologies test is held together with the Mathematics test, covering the disciplines of Biology, Physics and Chemistry. These subjects usually appear in an interdisciplinary way in the questions presented in the exam, which requires a study and in-depth knowledge. Within the physics charged in Enem, the contents that fall most in the test are: Dynamics waves Electrodynamics Thermodynamics static and hydrostatic optics Kinematics Electromagnetism Modern physics Electrostatic For many students, among all these disciplines, thermodynamics is the most complicated to guarantee a good grade, as it requires greater mastery due to its laws. Thus, it is the one that most needs study and care.

You will learn about the Laws of

Thermodynamics below. Check out: What are the Laws of Thermodynamics? What is thermodynamic equilibrium The behavior of gases Questions about the Laws of Thermodynamics for you to train What are the Laws of Thermodynamics? Thermodynamics emerged through the creation of fossil fuel-powered heat engines. From this, his science was studied to analyze heat exchange processes, observing Dubai Phone Number List variations in temperature, pressure and volume and how they interfere in physical systems. To describe its properties it was necessary to elaborate laws that define its physical quantities such as temperature, entropy and work. In addition, the concepts of thermodynamic system, system state and process are fundamental when it comes to fully understanding the content. The laws consist of Zeroth Law, First Law, Second Law and Third Law. The Physics subjects that fall the most in the Enem Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.

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The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics deals with

The conditions that two bodies need to reach thermal equilibrium. This law states that if A and B are separately in equilibrium with a third body, they will consequently be in thermal equilibrium with each other. So if A is in thermal equilibrium with B and A is in thermal equilibrium with C, then B is in thermal equilibrium with C, even though they B2B Fax Lead are not in contact. This explains that when two bodies with different temperatures come into contact, the hotter body tends to transfer heat to the colder body so that the temperatures are equal and reach thermal equilibrium. Imagine that you are going to drink a cup of hot coffee, but in a hurry to cool it down, you pour milk into the drink so as not to burn yourself. Coffee with milk, whose temperature is different, has reached thermal equilibrium.

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