contact name: Rob Pine
contact job function details: operations executive
contact job function: operations
contact job title: Operations Executive
contact job seniority: entry
contact person city: Boston
contact person state: Massachusetts
contact person country: United States
contact person zip code:
business name:
business domain: Skanska
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year:
business city: 1887
business zip code: Stockholm
business state: 112 51
business country: Stockholms lÌ?n
business language: 10110
business employee: Sweden
carrefour makes alliance with mercado libre to sell food
business category: English
business specialty: construction
business technology: construction & project development, commercial property development, vacant premises, residential development, homes, infrastructure development, public private partnerships, construction
business description: mimecast,cloudflare,mobile_friendly,google_analytics,pingdom,google_tag_manager,nginx,microsoft-iis,episerver,google_maps,bootstrap_framework,taleo,asp_net,addthis,bootstrap_framework_v3_1_1,youtube,new_relic