In the note Telegram vs WhatsApp: Controversy on Twitter over encryption policy. The opinion of Will Cathcart, director of WhatsApp in Meta, is collected regarding a article that questions Telegram’s privacy policy. Among other aspects of this application . In this regard, Pavel Durov ‘s social network takes the lead and defends itself regarding the following points. Secret chats Telegram refers to the point in the article that messages “wrongly as read” suggests a problem with the integrity of secret chats.
Access to location data Regarding
However, they maintain that if an intruder had somehow been able to corrupt the end-to-end messages, they could also have prevented read receipts (these are not automatic: applications must send a special request to mark messages as read ). But this is not possible. They also point out that Telegram Malaysia WhatsApp Number Data is the only popular secure messaging app that supports playable builds for iOS and Android. This means that any researcher can independently confirm the integrity of your secret chats. Likewise, they are emphatic in stating that in the almost 10 years of Telegram’s existence. Security flaws have never been found that allow a third party to intercept or decrypt secret chats.
The story of Marina Matsapulina
Regarding this case, they point out that the police will determine the location of the politician Marina Matsapulina. On the use of her mobile phone, but not her Telegram Japan Telegram Number List messages. Along these lines, Telegram highlights that the Navy’s Smartphone. Had been in the hands of the officers for 3 hours when they content of his messages. In this way, they report that these messages were physically extracted from their device using tools such as Cellebrite. “This has nothing to do with Telegram’s security, since no application can defend itself against direct access to a device,” Telegram strongly points out.