– Johann, can your colleagues help us? We have a problem.

— Do you know the phone number of the person who will transmit the information?

– Yes. But what’s the point? The GPS doesn’t work in the hall, and we still can’t track it.

– This is a New Year’s gift for my employees, and keep in mind that they prefer good cognac, not the one your secretary offers.

– Of course. What is thailand whatsapp data of us?

— The object’s telephone number.

– And that’s all?

– And that’s all.

– How?

– I’ll explain this to you later

Three hours passed.

– Your targe t has Track a Courier met the courier. Here’s the courier’s phone number. He’s currently driving down  19th Street, near number 14. It looks like he’s heading to  8th Street. You should be able to intercept him there.

– Thank you! Will you tell me when we meet? Or is it magic?

– I’ll tell you, come!

Another hour passed.

– Johann, you are Track a Courier a wizard! But how?

– Karl, will you tell me?

— Sure, boss! It’s simple. The company operating on  the 6th floor of the shopping center, where the meeting took place, installed equipment that tracks customer routes to optimize the placement of goods and increase sales. The how to conduct research with high accuracy used by these clothing and shoe sellers is based on tracking pings from visitors Track a Courier’ phones when they try to connect to Wi-Fi networks. For these purposes, special devices are placed in the sales areas to collect the necessary information.

It includes data ao lists on the customer’s movement and location, as well as the number of visitors to the store. The seller then uses this information to select the optimal location of departments and shelves with goods.