The police asked for help from the Intellectual Crimes Department, and today police representatives, together with representatives from Company A, arrived at the department.

– Hello, Mr. Director!

— Just call me Competition in turkey whatsapp data Johann. I have my staff here who will handle your case. Mark, Rita, Michel, this is your case. Let’s get down to details. How do you track the delivery of goods? How do you monitor the route and schedules? Do your drivers always drive the same route?

— Our car drivers Competition in Transport have smartphones with a built-in navigation program. In the morning, the routes are set there, the position of the transport on the route is controlled by the program, which transmits GPS coordinates to our server in real time.

— Are the coordinates transmitted in encrypted form?

– Undoubtedly.

— How often does the encryption key change?

– Monthly. It is generated on the server.

— Who is the developer of the program?

— IS Company.

— Could you Competition in Transport arrange a meeting with the developer’s representatives, say, in a week? And provide us with full access to the server and your drivers’ smartphones?

– Undoubtedly.

– Then let’s get to ao lists work. Mark, Rita – you’re in charge of analyzing smartphones. Michel, you’re in charge of the server.

A week has passed.

– So, we have a developer talk pivot is a change in the company’s development strategy lunch. Mark, Rita, what do you think? Michel? Who’s first?