How Technology Helps Find Optimal Solutions to Problems in Work and Life

Human thinking becomes one-sided in the course of life. We draw conclusions based on our own experience and professional approach. But this can prevent us from finding non-standard solutions, coming to objective assessments, and also affects our ability to resolve conflicts peacefully. We will talk about the six hats method, which uses several types of thinking at once. We will analyze how the technique of solving creative problems helps in finding the right way out of a situation, allows you to select working ideas or look at a problem from a different angle.

The combination of different types of thinking and consideration of the situation from other, even unexpected, angles allows one to find a non-trivial approach to the problem. This is how Edward de Bono’s theory differs from the usual methods of discussion or decision making.

Advantages of the method

Let’s talk about the benefits of the “6 Thinking Hats” technique:

Focus or switch

When we try on a hat, we focus on the problem. For example, when we put on the yellow hat, we look for the advantages and benefits of the project. This helps germany phone number list us focus. When we change hats, we change the course of our thoughts, switch the mode of thinking. This allows us to look at the situation in a new way.

Getting the full picture

The author of the method himself was a versatile and active person. He urged not to get hung up on one direction of each decision. This is how the theory of six hats was born.

The Six Thinking Hats method states that it is useful to why is it important to standardize be both an optimist and a pessimist. To stick to the cold facts, but also to let your imagination run wild. To rely on logic, but also to say how you feel.

We think in a given direction

The technique of imaginary hats is useful for organizing italy numbers thinking. That is, it helps to organize and structure thoughts. Often, when discussing a problem, participants get lost and do not know where to start or what to rely on. A hat of a certain color will set the direction, and the discussion will go faster and easier.

Therefore, the theory of six thinking hats works well in the context of brainstorming and is considered one of the varieties of the method.

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