How to quote directly and indirectly according to ABNT

It’s time for the Course Completion Work (TCC) and with it also arise those classic doubts related to ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) standards. What a boring business, you might think… It’s normal, but there’s a reason they exist. In this text we will explain this, and also how to make direct and indirect citation. Direct and indirect citations are resources used in scientific texts to refer to an author who has already written something about the topic we are dealing with. So we use citations to include their opinions and findings in our text. Direct and indirect citation are also used in other types of text, such as journalistic. But here, let’s focus on ABNT. Check out: Why follow ABNT standards? Why use direct and indirect quotations? What is direct quotation and how to use it What is indirect citation and how to use it How to put references in direct citation How to reference indirect quotes How to quote citation.

Citation of videos and documents consult

On the internet by ABNT How to quote in a foreign language by ABNT Importance and reliability of cited sources Best citation practices Why follow ABNT standards? When hearing the acronym ABNT, there are many doubts. What is ABNT? What is it for and why do we have to follow these rules? So let’s understand them! The Brazilian Association of Italy Phone Numbers List Technical Standards (ABNT) is the body responsible for the standardization and regulation of techniques for the presentation and formatting of scientific papers, processes, etc. The association is non-profit and takes care of different regulations in the country. That is, in addition to academic work, it is responsible for proposing forms of organization in technological, industrial processes, service production, among others. There are several types of ABNT rules, each of which has a different focus and audience. In today’s text, we will focus on the rules for direct and indirect citation used in TCC and scientific articles .

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The ABNT norms are based on international

Standards and adapted to the Brazilian language in a way that facilitates the reading , presentation and understanding of the work. They are like “rules of etiquette” and indicate a quality standard. It aims to avoid errors, standardize the work and make the content accessible, with accurate and secure information on the given subject. If the norms did not exist, each one could write their course conclusion work the way they B2B Fax Lead thought best. And when we talk about monographs, that doesn’t seem to have major problems, after all they are texts that reflect on aspects already studied by other authors. But, imagine there was no standard for lab tests or interviews that work requires to collect data? Scientific knowledge could not advance, due to the lack of security in the information of the works. Although it is a standard, there may be some variations on how the course completion work should be. So, always be aware.

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