The First is Based on Article Paragraph

To Media Sunday (25/12/2022), Class IIB Head of Tanjungpandan Mahendra Sulaksana, SH, MM explained that remission is a reduction in the sentence period based on the provisions of the applicable laws. The first is based on Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential.

Decree Number 174 of 1999, Remission is a Reduction. In the Sentence Given to Convicts and Criminal. Children Who Have Behaved. Well While Serving Their Sentence, With the Exception of Those. Sentenced to Death or Life Imprisonment.

Currently the number of prisoners in the Class IIB Tanjungpandan

Of which 2 are Christians. After we have collected the Database data, all of them have not met the requirements to get remission at Christmas 2022,” he said.

The conditions specified in the laws and regulations for obtaining remission are Article 34 PP Number 32 of 1999. That is, every convict and criminal child has the right to receive remission, provided that they have good behavior and have served a criminal term of more than 6 months.

The reason why we did not apply for remission for the Christmas Day remissions was because they had not yet received a verdict or were still in prison status. Meanwhile, one other prisoner was a recidivist who failed to undergo the Parole Integration Program (PB).

The person concerned gets a Decree on the Revocation of PB in the year when


The remission is granted, so that the person concerned can only B2B Fax Lead be submitted for the Right to Remission in the third year when serving a new criminal sentence. This is in accordance with article 47 PP 32 of 1999,

While adding, even so, his staff continued to provide services to WBP to carry out Christmas services for Celebrating WBP. In terms of security, Mahendra explained that the situation at Tanjungpandan Class IIB Prison Kamtib has been very conducive so far.

We are indeed increasing security according to the Order of the Director General of Corrections. We maximize Supervision from the Upper Post and Monitoring at predetermined critical points and hours. “Thank God, it’s conducive and everything is running as it should.

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