Does the content I’m offering cover

Talk About .In Several of Ourl Other Lposts: Yourl Content Is Your Answer, in Other Words, the Content of Your Page, of Yourl Website, Is What Lwill .Answer Lthelquestion That Lsomeone Ask Google, and It Is the Quality of Your Answer Lthat. Will Define Whether .You .Will Be Well Position on .Google. or Not, So, Open Your Website, Access the .Pages .And .Ask .Yourself: What .Question Is This Page Trying to Answer? Is the Answer My Website Is Giving Enough for Those Searching.does the .Answer. Contain Rich .Content, with Images.videos and Text? Is the Response Well .Formatt .And Easy to Read? with Scannable Texts, Using Tables, Lists and Subtitles.

This is what your audience want

All the user’s interests? Can the visitor find this answer elsewhere? Is the content unique, or do I have several different pages saying the same thing? These are simple questions that will make it clear to your company whether the website is suitable or not, When in doubt, always invest in improving your content, And it doesn’t matter if it’s product content, ucational content or generic content, Do a Google search for keywords that are  special data  relevant to your business, See the type of answer the search engine offers, And create a better answer, More extensive, more robust, more complete.

Mission is to help searchers find information

Information, Focus on that, Yes, Google understands all this Yes, Google understands all this I imagine you might be thinking that, because we focus a lot on your audience and the approach is less technical, that all these points are much more relevant to the user, and not to Google, And, of course, what your company wants is to appear on Google, To generate visits and sales, SEO optimization in practice, But what nes to be clear here is that Google’s mission is to help searchers find information, And to do this in the best way, the robot, the algorithm, nes to be as close  B2B Fax Lead  to human reasoning as possible, So, everything we talk about here is as relevant to your user as it is to Google.

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